Questions 76 - 100!
- If your grandmother gave you a gift that you already have, would you tell her? Nah. The more stuff I can hoard, the better.
- Do you sing in the car? Yeah, but only to annoy my parents. And really off-tune too.
- What is your favorite breed of dog? Pomeranians. They are so freaking adorable! Look at it! LOOK AT IT.
- Would you donate money to feed starving animals in the winter? Yes! Duh.
- What is your favorite fruit? Mangoes //please don't kill mehh// and frozen blueberries.
- What is your least favorite fruit? Coconuts...they give me the shivers...
- What kind of fruit have you never had? You really want a list? You would be here alllll day. But I would say Miracle Fruit. Yes, that is an actual fruit. You may google it if you like. I'm not kidding.
- If you won a $5,000 shopping spree to any store, which store would you pick? Okay, now this is a tough one. It would either be a lolly shop (because who doesn't like candy?! I mean, come on) or a art supply store.
- What brand sports apparel do you wear the most? Um...Kmart?
- Are/were you a good student? Yeah, I guess.
- Among your friends, who could you arm wrestle and beat? Ooh...nobody. They're all stronger than me lol.
- If you had to choose, what branch of the military would you be in? I wouldn't even choose. I'd be running away from them screaming "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO THIS!"
- What do you think is your best feature? Hmm...flirting. Are you kidding me? No to the freaking way! It would be more like this...
- If you were to win a Grammy, what kind of music would it be for? Auto-tuned. I can't sing a single note.
- If you were to win an Oscar, what kind of movie would it be for? Uh...I'm not that talented.
- What is your favorite season? Winter. Cause then you get to stay inside.
- How many members do you have in your immediate family? I forgot.
- Which of the five senses is most important to you? Taste. What's the whole point in eating when all you taste is soggy cardboard?
- Would you be a more successful painter or singer? Painter. Read above about singing.
- How many years will/did you end up going to college? I'm not even going into that, thanks.
- Have you ever had surgery? Say whut now?! No way! I'm fabulous enough already.
- Would you rather be a professional figure skater or professional football player? Figure skater all the way.
- What do you like to collect? I used to collect Pokemon cards. But this was at the young age of...um...young.
- How many collectibles do you have? None. Not including all the free stuff I got from Just Kidding magazines.
- What one question would you add to this survey? How come lemon washing up liquid contains real lemons, but lemon juice contains artificial flavouring?
Abracadbra alakazam! I have completed the challenge! //throws confetti and streamers everywhere// Are there any other challenges that you want me to have a go at? Comment! And follow my blog...please please pretty pretty pleeeease.
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